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Courses Offered by CSE Department

SNo Code Course Name
1 CS201 Mathematics for Computer Science - I
2 CS202 Mathematics for Computer Science - II
3 CS203 Mathematics for Computer Science - III
4 CS220 Computer Organisation
5 CS220 (L) Computer Organisation (Lab)
6 CS251 Computing Laboratory - I
7 CS252 Computing Laboratory - II
8 CS253 Software Development and Operations
9 CS253 (L) Software Development and Operations (Lab)
10 CS300 Computer Science and Engineering Communication Skills
11 CS315 Principles of Database Systems
12 CS330 Operating Systems
13 CS335 Compiler Design
14 CS340 Theory of Computation
15 CS345 Algorithms II
16 CS350 Principles of Programming Languages
17 CS360 Introduction to Computer Graphics
18 CS365 Artificial Intelligence
19 CS395 / 496 Undergraduate Project - I (UGP-1)
20 CS396 / 497 Undergraduate Project - II (UGP-2)
21 CS397 Special Topics in Computer Science
22 CS422 Computer Architecture
23 CS423 Multi-core and Multiprocessor Architecture
24 CS425 Computer Networks
25 CS433 Parallel Programming
26 CS455 Introduction to Software Engineering
27 CS496 (>=Y22) Undergraduate Project - I (UGP-1)
28 CS497 (>=Y22) Undergraduate Project - II (UGP-2)
29 CS498 Undergraduate Project - III (UGP-3)
30 CS499 Undergraduate Project - IV (UGP-4)
31 CS601 Mathematics for Computer Science
32 CS602 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
33 CS603 Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science
34 CS610 Programming for Performance
35 CS614 Linux Kernel Programming
36 CS615 Skyline Queries in Database
37 CS616 Human Centered Computing
38 CS617 Database Queries
39 CS618 Indexing and Searching Techniques in Databases
40 CS619 Advances in DBMS
41 CS621 Topics in Contemporary Microarchitecture
42 CS622 Advanced Computer Architecture
43 CS623 VLSI Design for Parallel Architectures
44 CS624 Topics in Embedded Systems
45 CS625 Advanced Computer Networks
46 CS626 Fault Tolerant Computing Systems
47 CS627 E-commerce
48 CS628 Computer Systems Security
49 CS629 Parallel Execution of Programs
50 CS630 Advanced Operating Systems For Embedded Systems, Pervasive Computing and Internet Of Things [Details]
51 CS631 Cyber security of critical infrastructure
52 CS632 Topics in Distributed Systems
53 CS633 Parallel Computing
54 CS634 Mobile Computing
55 CS635 Approximation Algorithms
56 CS636 Analysis of Concurrent Programs
57 CS637 Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
58 CS638 Formal Methods in Robotics and Automation
59 CS639 Program Analysis, Verification and Testing
60 CS640 Computational Complexity
61 CS641 Modern Cryptology
62 CS642 Circuit Complexity Theory
63 CS643 Abstract State Machines
64 CS644 Finite Automata on Infinite Inputs
65 CS645 Topics in Design and Analysis of Algorithms
66 CS646 Parallel Algorithms
67 CS647 Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Data Structures
68 CS648 Randomized Algorithms
69 CS649 Logic in Computer Science
70 CS650 Topics in Lambda Calculus
71 CS651 Concurrent Data Structures and Algorithms
72 CS652 Computer Aided Verification
73 CS653 Functional Programming
74 CS654 Software Architecture
75 CS655 Topics in Linear Programming
76 CS656 Algorithmic Game Theory
77 CS657 Information Retrieval
78 CS658 Topics in Malware Analysis and Intrusion Detection
79 CS659 Autonomous Cyber-physical Systems
80 CS660 Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
81 CS661 Big Data Visual Analytics
82 CS662A Introduction to Linear Logic
83 CS663 Computational Geometry
84 CS664 IoT System Design
85 CS665 Secure Memory Systems
86 CS666 Hardware Security for Internet-of-Things
87 CS667A Introduction to Internet of Things and its Industrial Applications
88 CS668A Practical Cyber Security for Cyber Practitioners
89 CS669 Design for Security
90 CS670 Cryptographic Techniques for Privacy Preservation
91 CS671 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
92 CS672 Complexity Measures for Boolean Functions
93 CS673 Machine Translation
94 CS674 Knowledge Discovery
95 CS674A Post Quantum Security
96 CS676 Computer Vision and Image Processing
97 CS677 Topics in Large Data Analysis and Visualization
98 CS678 Learning with Kernels
99 CS680 Category Theory and Applications in Computing
100 CS681 Computational Algebra and Number Theory
101 CS682 Quantum Computing
102 CS684 Introduction to Algorithms and Logics in Game Theory
103 CS685 Data Mining
104 CS686 Data Driven Program Analysis
105 CS687 Algorithmic Information Theory
106 CS688 Computational Arithmetic-Geometry and Applications
107 CS689A Computational Linguistics for Indian Languages
108 CS690 Computational Genomics
109 CS697 MTech Independent Study
110 CS698A Selected Areas of Mechanism Design
111 CS698B Linear algebraic tools for TCS
112 CS698C Sketching and Sampling For Big Data Analysis
113 CS698D Topics in Data Compression
114 CS698E Topics in Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
115 CS698H Topics in Homotopy Type Theory
116 CS698I Relational Structures in Games
117 CS698J Introduction to Constructive Types Theory and its Applications
118 CS698K Designing Verifiably Secure Systems
119 CS698N Recent Advances in Computer Vision
120 CS698O Special Topics in Natural Language Processing
121 CS698P Applications of Markov Chains in Combinatorial Optimization and in Evolutionary Dynamics
122 CS698V Introduction to Lambda Calculus, Types and Models
123 CS698W Topics in Game Theory and Collective Choice
124 CS698X Topics in Probabilistic Modeling and Inference
125 CS698Y Modern Memory Systems
126 CS698Z Fundamentals of Error Correcting Codes
127 CS699 M.Tech. Thesis
128 CS711 Introduction to Game Theory and Mechanism Design
129 CS712 Selected Areas of Mechanism Design
130 CS714 Secure Computation
131 CS718 Sublinear Algorithms for Processing Massive Data Sets
132 CS719 Data Streaming Algorithms and Systems
133 CS720 VLSI Testing and Fault-Tolerance
134 CS724 Sensing, Communications and Networking for Smart Wireless Devices
135 CS725 Topics in Networking
136 CS726 Topics in Multimedia
137 CS727 Topics in Internet Technologies
138 CS728 Theory of Multi-Armed Bandits
139 CS730 Topics in Operating Systems
140 CS731 Blockchain Technology and Application
141 CS733 Topics in Parallel Computing
142 CS738 Advanced Compiler Optimizations
143 CS740 Topics in Logic and Computation
144 CS741 Structural Complexity
145 CS742 Parallel Algorithms II:Parallel Complexity and Sub-Logarithmic Time Algorithms
146 CS743 Advanced Graph Algorithms
147 CS744 Pseudo-Random Generators
148 CS745 Small Space Bounded Computations
149 CS746 Riemann Hypothesis and Its Applications
150 CS747 Randomized Methods in Computational Complexity
151 CS748 Arithmetic Circuit Complexity
152 CS749 Elliptic Curves and Their Applications
153 CS750 Programs, Proofs and Types
154 CS755 Topics in Software Engineering
155 CS771 Introduction to Machine Learning
156 CS772 Probabilistic Machine Learning
157 CS773 Online Learning and Optimization
158 CS774 Optimization Techniques
159 CS775 Topics in Probabilistic Modelling and Inference
160 CS776 Deep Learning for Computer Vision
161 CS777 Topics in Learning Theory
162 CS779 Statistical Natural Language Processing
163 CS780 Deep Reinforcement Learning
164 CS781 Cognition: Memory
165 CS781 Large Language Models (LLMS)
166 CS782 Cognitive Semantics
167 CS783 Visual Recognition
168 CS784 Language Acquisition
169 CS785 Multiagent Systems: Games, Algorithms, Evolution
170 CS786 Computational Cognitive Science
171 CS789 Special Topics in Language Acquisition and Origins
172 CS797 PhD Independent Study
173 CS798D Algorithms for Bayesian Networks and Causality
174 CS798F Introduction to Probability for Computer Science
175 CS798G Analysis of Unconventional Programs
176 CS798H Human-Computer Interaction
177 CS798L Differential Privacy in Machine Learning
178 CS799 PhD Thesis
179 CS801 Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering
180 CS888 Introduction to Profession and Communications Skills
181 CS899 M.S. Thesis
182 ESC101 Fundamentals of Computing
183 ESC102 Fundamentals of Computing
184 ESC111/2 Fundamentals of Computing - I/II
185 ESC111/2 (L) Fundamentals of Computing - I/II (Lab)
186 ESC111/2 (T) Fundamentals of Computing - I/II (Tutorial)
187 ESC112 Fundamentals of Computing - II
188 ESO207 Data Structures and Algorithms
189 ThesisSem Thesis Seminar


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