Course Code | Credits | Time Slot | Classroom | Course Name | Instructor | Instructor Mail |
CS202/3 | 3-0-0-0 (05) | MWF 08:00-09:00 | RM101 | Mathematics for Computer Science - II/III | Sandeep Kumar Shukla Sumit Ganguly | sandeeps sganguly |
CS220 | 3-0-4-0 (13) | WThF 11:00-12:00 | RM101 | Computer Organisation | Debapriya Basu Roy | dbroy |
CS220 (L) | 3-0-3-0 (12) | MW 14:00-17:00 | - | Computer Organisation (Lab) | Debapriya Basu Roy | dbroy |
CS253 | 3-0-3-0 (12) | TuWF 10:00-11:00 | L20 | Software Development and Operations | Indranil Saha | isaha |
CS253 (L) | MWTh 14:00-17:00 | - | Software Development and Operations (Lab) | Indranil Saha | isaha | |
CS315 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | TuW 12:00-13:15 | KD101 | Principles of Database Systems | Arnab Bhattacharya | arnabb |
CS335 | 3-0-4-0 (123) | Tu 09:00-10:15 M 12:00-13:15 | KD102 | Compiler Design | Subhajit Roy | subhajit |
CS395 / 496 | 0-0-0-0 (4) | - | Undergraduate Project - I (UGP-1) | Raghunath Tewari | rtewari | |
CS396 / 497 | 0-0-0-0 (9) | - | Undergraduate Project - II (UGP-2) | Raghunath Tewari | rtewari | |
CS422 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | Tu 10:30-11:45 Th 12:00-13:15 | KD102 | Computer Architecture | Mainak Chaudhuri | mainakc |
CS425 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 08:00-09:00 Th 14:00-15:00 | L19 | Computer Networks | Adithya Vadapalli | avadapalli |
CS498 | 0-0-9-0 (9) | - | Undergraduate Project - III (UGP-3) | Raghunath Tewari | rtewari | |
CS499 | 0-0-0-0 (9) | - | Undergraduate Project - IV (UGP-4) | Raghunath Tewari | rtewari | |
CS633 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 15:30-17:00 | L16 | Parallel Computing | Preeti Malakar | pmalakar |
CS636 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | ThF 10:00-11:00 M 11:00-12:00 | KD102 | Analysis of Concurrent Programs | Swarnendu Biswas | swarnendu |
CS640 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 10:00-11:00 F 12:00-13:00 | KD102 | Computational Complexity | Abhranil Chatterjee | abhranil |
CS648 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | Tu 10:30-11:45 Th 12:00-13:15 | KD101 | Randomized Algorithms | Surender Baswana | sbaswana |
CS649 | 3‐0‐0‐0 (9) | MW 15:30-16:45 | KD102 | Logic in Computer Science | Anil Seth | seth |
CS656 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 17:15-18:30 | KD102 | Algorithmic Game Theory | Sunil Simon | simon |
CS661 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 14:00-15:15 | RM101 | Big Data Visual Analytics | Soumya Dutta | soumyad |
CS663 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | WThF 11:00-12:00 | KD102 | Computational Geometry | Sanjeev Saxena | ssax |
CS681 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 14:00-15:15 | KD102 | Computational Algebra and Number Theory | Nitin Saxena | nitin |
CS687 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 17:15-18:30 | KD103 | Algorithmic Information Theory | Satyadev Nandakumar | satyadev |
CS699 | - | M.Tech. Thesis | Piyush Rai | piyush | ||
CS728 | 3-0-0-0 (09) | WThF 11:00-12:00 | KD101 | Theory of Multi-Armed Bandits | Gunjan Kumar | gunjan |
CS731 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MW 15:30-17:00 | KD103 | Blockchain Technology and Application | Angshuman Karmakar | angshuman |
CS771 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | TuF 18:30-20:00 | L20 | Introduction to Machine Learning | Purushottam Kar | purushot |
CS772 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | MTh 18:00-19:30 | RM101 | Probabilistic Machine Learning | Piyush Rai | piyush |
CS776 | 3-0-0-0 (9) | Tu 10:30-11:45 Th 12:00-13:15 | RM101 | Deep Learning for Computer Vision | Priyanka Bagade | pbagade |
CS777 | 3-0-0-0(9) | MW 14:00-15:15 | KD103 | Topics in Learning Theory | Sutanu Gayen | sutanu |
CS781 | 3-0-0-0 (09) | TuF 15:30-17:00 | RM301 | Large Language Models (LLMS) | Ashutosh Modi | ashutoshm |
CS797 | 0-0-9-0 (9) | - | PhD Independent Study | Piyush Rai | piyush | |
CS798H | 3-0-0-0 (09) | TuF 15:30-16:45 | RM101 | Human-Computer Interaction | Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan | srutis |
CS798L | 3‐0‐0‐0 (9) | Tu 09:00-10:15 M 12:00-13:15 | KD103 | Differential Privacy in Machine Learning | Sayak Ray Chowdhury | sayakrc |
CS799 | - | PhD Thesis | Piyush Rai | piyush | ||
CS801 | [0] (0-0-0-0) (S/X mode) | Tu 17:15-18:30 | RM101 | Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering | Piyush Rai Purushottam Kar | piyush purushot |
CS899 | - | M.S. Thesis | Piyush Rai | piyush | ||
ESC111/2 | 3-1-3-0 (14) | MThF 12:00-13:00 | L20 | Fundamentals of Computing - I/II | Amitangshu Pal | amitangshu |
ESC111/2 (L) | TuF 14:00-17:00 | - | Fundamentals of Computing - I/II (Lab) | Amitangshu Pal | amitangshu | |
ESC111/2 (T) | W 12:00-13:00 | - | Fundamentals of Computing - I/II (Tutorial) | Amitangshu Pal | amitangshu | |
ESO207 | 3-0-3-0 (12) | MWTh 12:00-13:00 | L19 | Data Structures and Algorithms | Rajat Mittal | rmittal |
ESO207 (L) | 3-0-3-0 (12) | MW 14:00-17:00 | - | Data Structures and Algorithms (Lab) | Rajat Mittal | rmittal |
| Course | Course Timetable (Prev. SEM) | Course Timetable | Course Timetable (Next SEM) | Mid-Semester Exams schedule | End-Semester Exams schedule