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The lecture series is sponsored by the Research-I Foundation of the Department of CSE, IIT Kanpur.

The aim of this lecture series is manifold.


(1) To bridge the gap between what is taught and what is currently researched in Computer Science

(2) to create a vibrant atmosphere for research

(3) to motivate students for research in computer science


The speaker for each lecture of this series will be the master of a domain of computer science   -  an outstanding and passionate researcher who also has the skill of explaining difficult concepts in an easy and engaging manner.  The content of each lecture will address one or more of the following aspects of research in computer science.


(1) An elegant solution to a well known research problem

(2) The impact of some research result in the real world

(3) Recent research trends in a specific domain of computer science


Find below the list of lectures held in this series till now.

Lecture 1:

The side benefits of knowing an algorithm by Prof. Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, 2024.

Lecture Video


Lecture 2:

Robust Query Processing: Where Geometry Beats ML! by Prof. Jayant R. Haritsa, 2025.

Lecture Video



Eyes-on-Research | Inflections In Computing