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CS 714: Secure Computation

Credits:   3-0-0-0- [9]

Prerequisite: CS201, CS202, and CS203 or equivalent. CS 641 or equivalent would be useful but not necessary. CS670 would be useful but not necessary. The instructor will try to make the course as self-contained as possible. The main prerequisite is mathematical maturity. 

Who can take the course: Ph.D., Masters, 3rd and 4th year UG Students

Departments that may be interested: CSE, Mathematics, and Statistics


Course Rationale

The early pioneers of the Internet envisioned it would be the great equalizer and lead to the complete democratization of the online world—nearly four decades since the reality has diverged considerably from their grand vision. Rather than the bastion of freedom and free speech, which the early visionaries envisioned, the Internet has become a dangerous place. Data theft leading to identity theft has become commonplace. Despite these challenges, it is undeniable that the Internet has revolutionized our lives by making day-to-day tasks easier and connecting people worldwide — however, the risks associated with the Internet loom large. Secure Computation is a promising technique that allows users to keep their data private without sacrificing the Internet's benefits.

Interestingly, the origins of Secure Computation were during the exact times when the Internet was in its nascent stages. The early researchers of Secure Computation studied it mainly as a theoretical endeavor. However, nearly four decades after its inception, Secure Computation is more than just a problem of theoretical importance; it can solve practical privacy problems, many of which arise due to the expansion of the Internet. 


Course Objectives

On completion of this course, a student should be able to: (i) articulate the definition of Secure Multiparty Computation, (ii) articulate different MPC constructions, prove their security and correctness; (iii) articulate the definitions of Oblivious Random Access; (iv) articulate the construction of different types of Oblivious RAM protocols; (v) build cryptographically secure systems using Secure Computation.


Course Content
Module Topic No. of 1-hour Lectures
Introduction Cryptography Refresher
Big Picture of Secure Computation
Basics of MPC Writing Proofs of Security
Simulation Proofs
Read and Ideal World Paradigm
Security in the semi-honest and malicious model
Basic MPC Techniques Garbled Circuits
GMW, BGW, BMR Protocol
Server Aided MPC
Oblivious Transfer
Oblivious Shuffling
Oblivious Sorting
Advanced MPC Techniques ABY family of protocols
Mixed Protocols
DPF-based MPC
Oblivious Random Access Memory (ORAM) Hierarchical ORAMs
Tree-based ORAMs
ORAMs for Multiparty Computation
Revisiting Square Root ORAM
Distributed ORAMs
Applications Private Recommendation Systems
Computing Private Statistics
Total Lecture hours   40 hours

There is no one textbook for such a course.  Research Papers will be the main sources of study material.

Some useful textbooks are:

- Modern Cryptography by Katz and Lindell

- Pragmatic MPC by Evans, Koselnikov, and Rosulek

- Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols: Techniques and Constructions (Information Security and Cryptography) by Carmit Hazay and Yehuda Lindell

- Secure Multi-Party Computation Against Passive Adversaries by Ashish Choudhury and Arpita Patra

There will be other resources put on the web by the instructor.

- Lecture notes, assignments, supplemental readings, and other resources will be provided via the course website