Research Papers from the Department in the year 2024-25
Research papers published in Journals
- , Door Knock: Reverse Engineering the MPSoC Layout through Timing Attack on NoC
- , Efficient TMVP-Based Polynomial Convolution on GPU for Post-Quantum Cryptography Targeting IoT Applications
- , Measuring vacillations in reasoning
- , Multiple object tracking without preattentive indexes
- , QuripfeNet: Quantum-Resistant IPFE-Based Neural Network
- , Scabbard: An Exploratory Study on Hardware Aware Design Choices of Learning with Rounding-based Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
- , Uncertainty-Aware Deep Neural Representations for Visual Analysis of Vector Field Data
Research papers published in Conferences
- , A practical key-recovery attack on LWE-based key- encapsulation mechanism schemes using Rowhammer
- , Analysis of Transformers for Medical Image Retrieval
- , Attentive-YOLO: On-Site Water Pipeline Inspection Using Efficient Channel Attention and Reduced ELAN-Based YOLOv7
- , Carry Your Fault: A Fault Propagation Attack on Side-Channel Protected LWE-based KEM
- , How robust are fMRI and EEG data to alternative specifications in representational similarity analyses?
- , Kindle: A Comprehensive Framework for Exploring OS-Architecture Interplay in Hybrid Memory Systems
- , Learning to Play Video Games with Intuitive Physics Priors
- , Leveraging Cache Coherence to Detect and Repair False Sharing On-the-fly
- , Machine Learning Attacks on Challenge-Response Obfuscations in Strong PUFs
- , Multiforecast-based Early Anomaly Detection for Spacecraft Health Monitoring
- , Optimal Sensitivity Oracle for Steiner Mincut
- , PCLive: Pipelined Restoration of Application Containers for Reduced Service Downtime
- , PIPER: Primitive-Informed Preference-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning via Hindsight Relabeling
- , Point-to-set Principle and Constructive Dimension Faithfulness
- , Prosper: Program Stack Persistence in Hybrid Memory Systems
- , Robust Shape-regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Real-time Source Apportionment
- , SNOW-SCA: ML-assisted Side-Channel Attack on SNOW-V
- , Sorting Attacks Resilient Authentication Protocol for CMOS Image Sensor Based PUF
- , Specification curve analysis of representational similarity findings using fMRI and EEG processing pipelines
- , Vig-WaR: Vigilantly Watching Ransomware for Robust Trapping and Containment
- , Vital Edges for (s,t)-mincut: Efficient Algorithm, Compact Structure, and Optimal Sensitivity Oracle
- , ZKFault: Fault attack analysis on zero-knowledge based post-quantum digital signature schemes
Research Areas | Publications | SIGTACS | SESRes | SIGDATA | SURGE | SIGML | Vision