Research Papers from the Department in the year 2023-24
Research papers published in Journals
- , scDREAMER for atlas-level integration of single-cell datasets using deep generative model paired with adversarial classifier
- , Statistical prediction alone cannot identify good models of behavior
Research papers published in Conferences
- , A Bug's New Life: Creating Refute Questions from Filtered CS1 Student Code Snapshots
- , A Probabilistic Framework for Lifelong Test-Time Adaptation
- , A Weyl Criterion for Finite-State Dimension
- , Advances in Automated Pedagogical Error Repair
- , Corruption-tolerant Algorithms for Generalized Linear Models
- , Deep Encoders with Auxiliary Parameters for Extreme Classification
- , Effective Continued Fraction Dimension versus Effective Hausdorff Dimension of Reals
- , Gradient Perturbation-based Efficient Deep Ensembles
- , Groups are better than individuals at solving optimum stopping problems
- , KalpaVriksh: Efficient and Cost-effective GUI Application Hosting using Singleton Snapshots
- , Lens: Experiencing Multi-level Page Tables at Close Quarters
- , MalXCap: A Method for Malware Capability Extraction
- , Measuring moral vacillations
- , Measuring the completeness of race models for perceptual decision-making
- , Measuring the time utility of mental effort
- , NGAME: Negative Mining-aware Mini-batching for Extreme Classification
- , On the Composition of Randomized Query Complexity and Approximate Degree
- , On the Masking-Friendly Designs for Post-Quantum Cryptography
- , Personalized Retrieval over Millions of Items
- , PRIORITY: An Intelligent Problem Indicator Repository
- , Real numbers equally compressible in every base
- , STL-Based Synthesis of Feedback Controllers Using Reinforcement Learning
- , Synthesis with Explicit Dependencies
- , Tracking multiple objects without indexes
- , Understanding Clique Formation in Social Networks
- , Unpredictability shortens planning horizons
- , Using learnable physics for real-time exercise form recommendations
Research Areas | Publications | SIGTACS | SESRes | SIGDATA | SURGE | SIGML | Vision