Research Papers from the Department in the year 2022-23
Research papers published in Journals
- , Discriminative semantic transitive consistency for cross-modal learning
- , Explicit construction of q + 1 regular local Ramanujan graphs, for almost all prime-powers q
- , Over-precise predictions cannot identify good choice models
- , Prutor: an intelligent learning and management system for programming courses
- , Sufficiently Informative and Relevant Features: An Information-theoretic and Fourier-based Characterization
Research papers published in Conferences
- , A Scalable Shannon Entropy Estimator
- , Adaptive real-time diversification of digital content
- , AGGLIO: Global Optimization for Locally Convex Functions
- , Beyond Mono to Binaural: Generating Binaural Audio from Mono Audio with Depth and Cross Modal Attention
- , Characterization of Magnetic Communication Through Human Body
- , Dynamic Meta-theorems for Distance and Matching
- , Efficient Data Race Detection of Async-Finish Programs Using Vector Clocks
- , IGLU: Efficient GCN Training via Lazy Updates
- , Improved lower bound, and proof barrier, for constant depth algebraic circuits
- , LDT: Lightweight Dirty Tracking of Memory Pages for x86 Systems.
- , Learning Speaker-specific Lip-to-Speech Generation
- , LEGenT: Localizing Errors and Generating Testcases for CS1
- , Makadi: A Large-Scale Human-Labeled Dataset for Hindi Semantic Parsing
- , Managing Access Control in Large-Scale Multi-Party IoT Systems
- , MicroBlind: Flexible and Secure File System Middleware for Application Sandboxes
- , minimum+1 (s,t)-cuts and dual edge sensitivity oracle
- , Multi-modal Extreme Classification
- , Normality, Randomness and Kolmogorov Complexity of Continued Fractions
- , On Quantitative Testing of Uniform Samplers
- , Portkey: Hypervisor-Assisted Container Migration inNested Cloud Environments
- , Sampling-based probability construction explains individual differences in risk preference
- , Selecting between visuomotor lotteries to measure mental effort in risky decisions
- , Separated borders: Exponential-gap fanin-hierarchy theorem for approximative depth-3 circuits
- , Ultrasonic vs. Magnetic resonance communication for Mixed Wearable and Implanted Devices
Research Areas | Publications | SIGTACS | SESRes | SIGDATA | SURGE | SIGML | Vision