Research Papers from the Department in the year 2021-22
Research papers published in Journals
- , An analogue of Pillai's theorem for continued fraction normality and an application to subsequences
- , Blackbox identity testing for sum of special ROABPs and its border class
- , Efficiently factoring polynomials modulo p4
- , Robust statistical calibration and characterization of portable low-cost air quality monitoring sensors
Research papers published in Conferences
- , A Decentralized Reinforcement Learning System for Patrol Routing
- , A Largish Sum-of-Squares Implies Circuit Hardness and Derandomization
- , Beyond Image to Depth: Improving Depth Prediction using Echoes
- , DECAF : Deep Extreme Classification with Label Features
- , Decentralized Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Agent Patrol Routing
- , DeepDetect: A Practical On-device Android Malware Detector
- , Demystifying the border of depth-3 algebraic circuits
- , Designing Samplers is Easy: The Boon of Testers
- , Deterministic identity testing paradigms for bounded top-fanin depth-4 circuits
- , Dimension-Preserving Reductions Between SVP and CVP in Different p-Norms
- , ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations
- , Emergent Road Rules In Multi-Agent Driving Environments
- , Empirical Analysis of Architectural Primitives for NVRAM Consistency
- , Engineering an Efficient Boolean Functional Synthesis Engine
- , Ergodic theorems and converses for PSPACE functions
- , Explaining the Performance of Supervised and Semi-Supervised Methods for Automated Sparse Matrix Format Selection
- , Federated matched averaging with information-gain based parameter sampling
- , Fine-Grained Emotion Prediction by Modeling Emotion Definitions
- , GraphReach: Position-Aware Graph Neural Network using Reachability Estimations
- , ILDC for CJPE: Indian Legal Documents Corpus for Court Judgment Prediction and Explanation
- , Imprecise oracles impose limits to predictability in supervised learning
- , Improved (Provable) Algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem via Bounded Distance Decoding
- , Improving Few-Shot Learning using Composite Rotation based Auxiliary Task
- , Modeling procrastination as rational metareasoning about task effort
- , On Algorithms to Find p-ordering
- , One and known: Incidental probability judgments from very few samples
- , Opening the Blackbox: Accelerating Neural Differential Equations by Regularizing Internal Solver Heuristics
- , Privacy preserving record linkage with block-chains
- , Program Synthesis as Dependency Quantified Formula Modulo Theory
- , Provisioning Differentiated QoS for NVMe over Fabrics
- , Robust non-Parametric Regression via Incoherent Subspace Projections
- , Sangrahaka: A Tool for Annotating and Querying Knowledge Graphs
- , SiameseXML: Siamese Networks meet Extreme Classifiers with 100M Labels
- , SMT-Based Optimal Deployment of Mobile Robot Rechargers
- , Specification Guided Automated Synthesis of Feedback Controllers
- , Thermal-aware Adaptive Platform Management for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems
- , VerSaChI: Finding Statistically Significant Subgraph Matches using Chebyshev’s Inequality
Research Areas | Publications | SIGTACS | SESRes | SIGDATA | SURGE | SIGML | Vision