Each lecture is a self contained literate Haskell program. Hence you can directly compile the code and run.

  1. Introduction [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  2. Warming up [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  3. More on pattern matching [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  4. Sieve of Eratosthenes [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  5. Fibonacci series [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  6. Folding lists [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  7. Data types [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  8. An expression evaluator [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  9. Lambda calculus [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  10. Modules [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  11. Towards type inference [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  12. Unification algorithm [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  13. The type inference algorithm [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  14. Type classes [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  15. Monads and IO [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  16. State monad [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  17. Monad transformers [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  18. Functions with variable number of arguments [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  19. Template Haskell based printf [pdf,latex,literate haskell]
  20. Concurrent programming in Haskell [pdf,latex,literate haskell]

Last modified on Monday (31 October 2011 10:12:32 UTC)