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MTech Projects
(*) : Tentative title for work in progress.
- Akansha Singh (Jointly with Prof Arnab Bhattacharya): SQL Tutor. [RESTRICTED]
- Ayush Sahni (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Program Repair and Retrieval an The Prutor Platform - I. [PDF, 1200K]
- Jeet Sarangi (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Program Repair and Retrieval an The Prutor Platform - II. [PDF, 1300K]
- Utkarsh Srivastava (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Program Repair and Retrieval an The Prutor Platform - III. [PDF, 1200K]
- Tushar Gautam: ParseIT++: A Teaching tool for Parsing. [PDF, 1600K]
- Debanjan Chaterjee (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Intelligent Program Analysis and Program Indexing - I. [PDF, 1300K]
- Preeti Singh (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Intelligent Program analysis and Program Indexing - II. [PDF, 739K]
- Mayank Bansal (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Intelligent Program Analysis and Program Indexing - III. [PDF, 1800K]
- Fahad Mohmedisuf Shaikh (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Advancements in AI-assisted Compilation Error Repair and Program Retrieval. [PDF, 954K]
- Sharath HP (Jointly with Prof Purushottam Kar): Real-world Deployments of AI-assisted Tools for Compilation Error Repair and Program Retrieval. [PDF, 2819K]
- Aditya Narhari Kadu: Optimizing and Vulnerability Testing of a
Cloud-Based Intelligent Tutoring System. [PDF, 1220K]
- Pawan Kr Patel: XsWebAll: Accessible Web for All. [PDF, 1989K]
-- Akshay Jindal (I was an unofficial supervisor. Official Supervisor: Prof Arnab
Bhattacharya): Scaling a Web-Based Tutoring System
From Classrooms to MOOCs. [PDF, 4399K]
- Praveen Singh (Jointly with Prof Arnab
Bhattacharya): Automated Repair of Programs in Introductory Programming Courses. [PDF, 1030K]
- Ziyaan Dadachanji (Jointly with Prof Arnab
Bhattacharya): Automated Feedback and Grading for Programs in Introductory
Programming Courses. [PDF, 916K]
- Swapnil Mahajan (Jointly with Prof Arnab
Bhattacharya): DB Projector: A Web-based Tool for Querying, Analysis and Visualization of Data. [PDF, 820K]
- Sagar Parihar (Jointly with Prof Arnab
Bhattacharya): Automated Grading Tool for Introductory Programming. [PDF, 1160K]
- Mohit Bhadade: Online Tutoring System for Learning Parsing Techniques. [PDF, 1418K]
- Nimisha Agrawal: A Tool for Teaching Parsing Techniques. [PDF, 849K]
- Ashwini Kshitij (Jointly with Prof Subhajit
Roy): Interprocedural Concolic Execution: An Application to
Improve Test Case Generation. [PDF, 997K]
- Rajdeep Das (Jointly
with Dr
Sumit Gulwani, MSR Redmond): A Platform for Data Analysis and
Tutoring for Introductory Programming. [PDF,
- Naman Bansal (Jointly
with Dr
Sumit Gulwani, MSR Redmond): Translating Natural Language
Propositions To First Order Logic. [PDF,
- Kamna: CRINK: Improved Automatic CUDA Code Generation for Affine
C Programs [PDF,
- Nitin Sharma (Jointly
with Dr
Dipankar Das, Intel Labs): Improving Loop Execution using
Precise B/F Ratio Calculation. [PDF,
- Akanksha Singh (Jointly with Prof Sanjeev Kr
Aggarwal): CRINK: Automatic C to CUDA Code Generation for
Affine Programs.
[PDF, 1876K]
- Amruta Adewar (Jointly with Prof
Sanjeev Kr Aggarwal):A Framework for Generation of
Parallelizing Transformers from
[PDF, 417K]
- Pankaj More: Hot Code Reloading in Cloud Haskell. [PDF, 294K]
- Sonam Tiwari (Jointly with Prof
Subhajit Roy): Automatic Generation of Testcases for High
MCDC Coverage. [PDF, 2291K]
- Vineet Hingorani (Jointly with Prof
Subhajit Roy): Automating Dictionary Mappings for Translating
Natural Language Descriptions to Domain Specific Language
Programs. [PDF, 858K]
- Vilay Kandi: Liveness based Garbage Collection for Java. [PDF, 1720K]
- Nikhil Pangarkar: Improving Liveness based Garbage Collection for
Java. [PDF, 1241K]
- Sailesh Kumar Raju R: Applying Machine Learning to Rank
Domain-specific Logical Expressions of Natural Language
Descriptions. [PDF, 1365K]
- Shruti Jadon (Student
of Banasthali
University): Detection of Code Clones using Machine Learning.
Rahul Gupta
- Siddarth Agrawal: Functional SMT solving: a new interface for
programmers. [PDF, 604K]
- Pritesh Agrawal: Parallelizing LINQ program for
GPGPU. [PDF, 1534K]
- Pankaj Pawan (Jointly
with Dr Francesco Zappa
Nardelli): Random Testing for Concurrency Compiler Bugs.
[PDF, 2436K]
- Vinay Kr Reddy: Field Sensitive Shape Analysis : Implementation
and Improvements.
[PDF, 518K]
- Saravana P: Improving GCC
[PDF, 751K]
- Subhash Kale: QuickEval: An Interactive Tool for Coverage Based
Testing of Haskell
Programs. [PDF, 941K]
V Praveen Reddy
- Sandeep Dasgupta (Jointly with Prof
Sanjeev Kr Aggarwal): Precise Shape Analysis using
Field Sensitivity. [PDF, 427K]
- Barnali Basak (Jointly with Prof
Sanjeev Kr Aggarwal): Heap Dependence Analysis for
Programs. [PDF,