Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur(U.P.) 208016, India
Email: tvp@iitk.ac.in
IIT Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur carries out original research of significance and technology development at the cutting edge. It imparts training for students to make them competent, motivated engineers and scientists. The Institute not only celebrates freedom of thought, cultivates vision and encourages growth, but also inculcates human values and concern for the environment and the society.
CSE Department
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was the first Institute in India to start Computer Science education with the initial "computer-related" courses starting in August 1963 on an IBM 1620 system installed in the nation's first "computer classroom". The department continues to lead the nation in terms of excellence in research and teaching in Computer Science and Engineering.