Schedule of presentationsNov 1: COGNITION OF SPACE and TIMEG3: varunesh / sushobhan: Spatial reasoning and route planningG10: ruchir / mrinal: Visibility-feature based matching of human perception G2: diwakar/ashis : time / episodic memory Nov 3: 12noon : VISION + NEUROSCIENCEG8: anupta / deveshks : simulation of developmental visual categories using G13: ankit-ag/ jyoti : vision - poggio models of object recognition Group 6: Gaurav / Pulkit: Decision categorization from FMRI Nov 3 : evening 6PM (extra class) AWARENESS / DISSONANCEGroup 7: abhilash / chintan : computational models for cognitive dissonance Group 14: anish / nikhil: Experience alters perception (Fischoff experiments) Group 15: Kaushal / Shashank : Are gists convex? Nov 8: OBJECT CATEGORIZATIONG4: Vivek / Akash Probabilistic discovery of object structure G10: ruchir / mrinal: Visibility-feature based matching of human perception Group 5: Ankit / Keerti : Computational validation of developmental processes in attention Nov 10: LANGUAGE / Deaf cognitionGroup 11: Alok / Venkata / Prince : Spatial language learning in the wubble worldG9: vamshi / piyush : evolution of colour perception terms Group 1: brajesh / danish : Experiments on cognition in the hearing-impaired |