This page is a listing of the students working with Amitabha Mukerjee.

A number of students here are part of the Baby and Manifold group, which looks at the dimensionality reduction that human and robotic babies may be doing as they make sense of the world.

Ph.D. Students

M.Tech. Students

M.Tech graduating 2013
Apratim Sharma Kinect-based dance activity recognition thesis | prop | ppt | bib
Bhuwan Dhingra (co-advisor:. KSV) Out-of-sample extrapolation in high-dimensional spaces. thesis | prop | ppt | bib
M.Tech graduating 2014
Sunakshi Gupta (12111044) Discovering laws of the world from observations report | prop | ppt | bib
Deepali Semwal (12111019) Language and concept learning from action videos report | prop | ppt | bib
Romil Gadia () Unsupervised visual concept discovery from surveillance report | prop | ppt | bib
Vinkal Vishnoi () Spatial action recognition in video report prop | ppt | bib
Debidatta Dwibedi () Perception-Language interface for actions report prop | ppt | bib
Ankit Bhutani () Inferring roles from video sequences with minimal knowledge injection report prop | ppt | bib

B.Tech Project students

Dipendra K Misra (Y6425) and Mukul Singh (Y6402) Explanation Oriented Approach to Visual Sequence Problems final report | data | code | ppt
Kritika Singh Comparing out-of-sample extrapolation on isomap and deep autoencoders final report | code | ppt
Diwakar Chauhan (Y6510) Multi-Lingual noun and verb acquisition from psychological videos final report | code | ppt
Avinash P Koyya and Mayank Kumar Human walking action recognition final report | code | ppt
Nehchal Jindal Gesticulating on an Aldebaran Nao final report | code | ppt

Schedule Jan-Apr 2013

  8   9  10   11     12      1     2         3    4       5    6 
  |   |   |    |     |Dipen  |     |    debi      |bhuw   |
Mo|       |    |     | smuk  |     |    deepalis  |       |    |
  |   |   |    |     |  se 367  |  |  |  cs 365   |kr   ms|    GROUP   9-10 
Tu|   |   | apr|     |          |  |  |           | tka ram    |LEARN  sgulw
  |   |   |nptel     |    vinkal   |   ankitbhu   |   neh |avin|D/P
We|       |    |     |     romilg  |   sunakshis  |    chl| krm|
  |   |        |     |  se 367  |  |  | cs 365    |arshad |sadb| 
Th|   |        |     |          |  |  |           |       | arind
  |       |    |     |       |     |  msrm2|diwc  |apra      | |
Fr|       |    |     |       |     |       | pras |  tim     | |
Sa|       |    |     |       |     |       |      |            |




Kushlendra Mishra (Y8111018) Learning from Optimization thesis | prop | ppt | bib
Nandan Dubey (Y6279) Image Manifolds prop | ppt | bib
Sezal Jain (Y6927441) Visual SLAM prop | ppt | bib
Prabhat Mudgal (Y6279) Perceptual Symbols sem report prop | ppt | bib
Nikhil Joshi (Y6279) Perception-Language interface sem report prop | ppt | bib
B.Tech. students: