This is the page listing students of Amitabha Mukerjee and their projects.

Ph.D. Students

M.Tech. Thesis Students, 2009-2010

Tarun Baloch (Y3167377) Indoor surveillance system prop | ppt | bib
M.Tech 2008
Gopi Srinath Y5827390 From visual experience to perceptual symbols prop | ppt | bib
Kushlendra Mishra (Y8111018) Learning from Optimization prop | ppt | bib
Kruti Nema (Y8111017) Anaphora resolution as a top-down process prop | ppt | bib
Bishwajit Sharma (Y8111017) Action Recognition in Videos prop | ppt | bib
Anima Mishra (Y8104001) Analysis based on Pedestrian detection prop | ppt | bib

B.Tech Project students

Sandip Kumar Gupta (Y6425) and Rohit Vaish (Y6402) Multi Agent learning in adversarial settings proposal | term1 report | ppt
Manas Agarwal (Y6237) Semantics for anaphora resolution in a microworld using visual inputs proposal | term1 report | ppt
Utkarsh Kumar Shah (Y6510) Object Tracking using Level Sets proposal | term1 report | ppt
Subodh Mishra (Y6481) Video classification using Bosch and Zissermann technique of image classification proposal | term1 report | ppt
T Sudhamsh Goutham (Y6501) Multilingual Associations by Language Label Learning in a Video proposal | term1 report | ppt

Schedule Aug-Dec 09

   8  9  10   11      12       1   2           3        4     5    6
  |       |SE  |     |         |     |    mish |tarunb  |mmadan |    |
Mo|       |367 |     |         |     |      rak|        |       |    |
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Tu|   |   |    |     |         |     |    |odhm  anima  |gthm   |    |
  |       |SE  |     |kruti    |     |ESC      |mans sez|B      |    |
We|       |367 |     |         |     | 101|    |asag  al|A      |    |
  |esc    |SE  |     |gopi  sab|     |    |aman tarunb  |            |
Th|101    |367 |     |  sri  hi|     |    | dhe         |            |
  |       |    |     |         |     |         |        |SigVis    | |
Fr|       |    |     |         |     |         |        |          | |
Sa|       |    |     |         |     |         |        |            |


2009 July:

2008 Sep

: Students list: 2008-2009

mishrak@ kruti@ gopisri@ anima@ sharmab@ tarunb@,, utkrsh,,,

t sudhamsh goutham  
Utkarsh Kumar Shah
subodh mishra Y6481 subodhm@ :  Bosch and Zisserman
manas agarwal - manas@:  mc learning / cvision : 
sandip k gupta - w ksv
aman dhesi amand@ springdales / lives in gurgaon 

dipen:Dipen Shankerlal Rughwani: : Y6111011,A217 Hall-4:  Understanding cricket videos
tarunb: Tarun Baloch : Y3167377 : 09450346680 : Indoor surveillance system 
harshar:Sreeharsha  Ramanavarapu : : Y6111045,,H312 Hall-4, Qualitative spatial reasoning for navigation
satish: G Satish ?Y3113 : 9450341518 Unsupervised concept acquisition from video 
mundhra: Mohit Mundhra Y2157224: 9319672480 : Background learning and Foreground object Detection in
Pan-Tilt zoom image sequences