M.Tech Thesis students

Dipen Rughvani (Y6111011) Understanding Cricket videos report | ppt | prop | bib
Sreeharsha R (Y6111011) Qualitative spatial reasoning for navigation report | ppt | prop | bib
Tarun Baloch (Y3167377) Indoor surveillance system report | ppt | prop | bib
G Satish (Y3167113) Unsupervised concept acquisition from video report | ppt | prop | bib
M.Tech 2006
Mohit Mundhra (Y2157224) Background learning and Foreground object Detection in Pan-Tilt zoom image sequences report | ppt | prop | bib

B.Tech Project (BTP) students

Amit Parchand (Y4280) Slip Contact Formation and Grasp report | ppt | prop | bib
Akhilesh K Sinha (Y4048) Acquiring Concepts from Appearance + Behaviour Volumes report | ppt | prop | bib
Nishant S. Singh (Y4265) Detecting Point of Contact using Shadows of Objects report | ppt | prop | bib

dipen:Dipen Shankerlal Rughwani: : Y6111011,A217 Hall-4:  Understanding cricket videos
tarunb: Tarun Baloch : Y3167377 : 09450346680 : Indoor surveillance system 
harshar:Sreeharsha  Ramanavarapu : : Y6111045,,H312 Hall-4, Qualitative spatial reasoning for navigation
satish: G Satish ?Y3113 : 9450341518 Unsupervised concept acquisition from video 
mundhra: Mohit Mundhra Y2157224: 9319672480 : Background learning and Foreground object Detection in
Pan-Tilt zoom image sequences