Computer Aided Engineering DesignME751 Jul-Nov 98 Mukerjee

NC Code Generation Of Layered Objects

Amit Kumthekar (9720512)
Chetan Raval (9720502)

Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur : August 1998


Domain & Input


Leftovers & Future Scope



Computer Aided process planning (CAPP) is considered as the bridge filling the gap between CAD/CAM ,to achieve complete automation. Actually CAPP can be considered in three levels .
1)Operations Planning : wherein the manufacturing processes are identified and sequenced .
2)Preliminary Process Planning : machine tools, figs & fixture selection.
3) Detailed Process Planning : Process parameters etc to figure out instruction sheet.
So Automatic NC code generation ,which is equivalent to third step , is one sub domain
in CAPP. In the Automatic NC code generation, given a drawing of a part component ,
code files are automatically generated which can be then downloaded to the
respective machines for operation . The proposed Project work is in this interfacing
area (see block diagram below.

Location of project work in the overall CAPP process

However it has limited field that it can handle only layered or 2 1/2 D objects. ( See This layered object editor from the 1997 course projects.)

2 1/2 D objects.Objects are actually one simplest class of objects created sweep . In generalised sweep a 2D area is taken and swept along a path called generator which itself can be a straight line or curve , to create a 3D geometry. There is further generalisation that 2D area itself can vary , also 3D object can be taken for sweep . But for the class of 2 1/2 D objects 2D area of constant cross section and in horizontal ,xy-plane, is swept along straight line perpendicular to area (z-direction ), to create the object. . Example of 2 1/2 D or layered object.

There are different basic approaches in this area.

  1. One method is to cut the geometry with sequential layers and machine each identified feature in logical sequence.
  2. The other methodology based on extracting the manufacturing details from the from the geometry , then machining of each identified feature in logical sequence. In Feature Recognition there are again different approaches like Hint based reasoning, Convex hull decomposition and Cell based decomposition etc. The problem in this is that many times conflicts arise in the identified features.

This project adopts the first methodology since feature recognition is well known to be a complex problem.

Standard Software and Project

There are many packages available in this field such as Pro-Engineer ,DISAP,

Unigraphics , MasterCam with much more generalized field of application . Almost all are based on visibility . There bsically three steps followed in automatic NC code generation :
1) CL file generation: Here the from the geometry of cad model(drawing) provided the process sequencing is done with the user assistance. n forpart is analysed
MasterCam user has to really select each feature to generate its code in sequential
manner.This work is different in the sense that, for simple object, it will generate
overall code considering all features in logical sequence.
2) Postprocessing : The CL file when post processed a NC code specific to the machine is generated.
3) Animation : This helps in verifying the code that is generated.
The concerned work combines steps 1 & 2 to generate NC code copatible to machine available in the institute. ( Standard Software & Project ).

Mastercam & Project Work :
Mastercam is a standard software in this area . It has it own Cad modeller for creating the object . It has the modules for different categeryies of machines such as 3 & 5 axis milling , lathe ,wire-EDM etc. The software is quite flexible operating in the interactive mode.
However it requires much assitance in carrying out the whole task . User has to select the feature properly on the drawing , generate the CL file for that perticular portion and then move to the next feature . In sense, it could not sequence the operations automatically. The project code however can sequence all the operations by itself and simultaniously generate the g-m code.
