Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur
: August 1998
Location of project work in the overall CAPP process
However it has limited field that it can handle only layered or 2 1/2 D objects. ( See This layered object editor from the 1997 course projects.)
2 1/2 D objects.Objects are actually one simplest class of objects created sweep . In generalised sweep a 2D area is taken and swept along a path called generator which itself can be a straight line or curve , to create a 3D geometry. There is further generalisation that 2D area itself can vary , also 3D object can be taken for sweep . But for the class of 2 1/2 D objects 2D area of constant cross section and in horizontal ,xy-plane, is swept along straight line perpendicular to area (z-direction ), to create the object.
. Example of 2 1/2 D or layered object.There are different basic approaches
in this area.
This project adopts the first methodology since feature recognition
is well known to be a complex problem.
Mastercam &
Project Work :
Mastercam is a standard software in this
area . It has it own Cad modeller for
creating the object . It has the modules
for different categeryies of machines such
as 3 & 5 axis milling , lathe ,wire-EDM etc. The
software is quite flexible operating in the
interactive mode.
However it requires much assitance in
carrying out the whole task . User has to
select the feature properly on the drawing
, generate the CL file for that perticular
portion and then move to the next feature
. In sense, it could not sequence the
operations automatically. The project code
however can sequence all the operations
by itself and simultaniously generate the
g-m code.