In the figure
the depth of pocket is more than
that of outside step. So the feature pocket
is strored in two layers , the first
layer shown dotted blue and second layer
would be from bottom of this layer
to bottom of the pocket . As we are removing
the volume layer by layer it is obious
that the pocket will be machined , in this
perticular case in two separate
operations . So although the basic geometry
is not going to hampered , machining a pocket
in two isolated operation is somewhat
illogical here .
* Comment
: This is becauseof of the same
cutting plane taken at every subsequent
layer . If code is modified with recursive
algorithm with differanced plane ( cutting plane
- part layer ) becoming cutting plane for
the next layer cutting , it would be complete
& practicle from point of process
planning .
2) Also
code is able to generate only one cutter
path for overall machinable volume ,which
is not competent . However this is not
due wrong approach but for the lack time .
3) The code
is also not flexible enough in selecting
tools . It uses only two cutters , one for
normal operations and other( with small dia) in
case of occurace of concave point.
Kepping good tool library and automatic
selection links would make it more feasible