Title: An Intelligent market place for dynamic composition of web services

Speaker: Dr. P. Suresh

Affiliation: Research Manager, E-Commerce Lab, Infosys

Date: December 4, 2007


Web services provide one of the most favored implementation vehicles of the service-oriented architecture approach. Typically there are multiple web service providers offering services capable of fulfilling a particular functionality, although with different Quality of Service (QoS) and service level guarantees. Dynamic creation of business processes requires composing an appropriate set of web services that best suit the current need. We present a novel combinatorial auction approach for dynamic web services composition. Such an approach would enable not only stand-alone web services but also composite web services to be a part of a business process. The combinatorial auction leads to an integer programming formulation for the web services composition problem. An important feature of the model is interface aware composition and it models Service agreements(SLA) too.

Note: This was a joint research project involving the E-commerce lab at Infosys and E-commerce lab at CSA, IISc. Bangalore.