Seminar by Dr. B. V. Kumar

Servicing the Future -- Future of Web Services

Dr B. V. Kumar
Infosys Technologies, Bangalore
Date: Tue, Feb 3, 2005
Time: 3:45 PM
Venue: CS-101


The impact of the Web services phenomenon has been reverberating across the industries despite downbeat events taking place in economic, market and political conditions. While the tangible advantages and possible business automation opportunities took web services to dizzy heights, economic and political forces seem to have kept the growth of web services in bounds. Industry acceptance of web services has seen the whole range - aggressive early adopters to cautious evaluators. Crucial issues such as security, reliability, etc., are being addressed by different groups fuelling disparity and confusions among the web services buffs. Competition and aggressiveness among the technology proponents have led to divisions and divergence among the adopters and users of the technology. This talk attempts to evaluate the scenario with respect to the forces that are driving the web services into the next generation.

About the Speaker

Dr. B. V. Kumar is Principal Researcher and Technologist at Infosys Technologies Ltd., Bangalore.

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