Swarnendu Biswas
Assistant Professor
Address: |
KD 302, Department of CSE, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, UP 208016. |
Email: | swarnendu [AT] cse.iitk.ac.in |
Phone: | +91-512-2592055 |
My areas of interest are Programming Languages, Compilers and Runtime Systems, and Parallel Software Systems.
I lead the PROgramming LanguageS and PARallel Systems (PROSPAR) research group. Our group works on ideas to help build efficient and scalable parallel software. You can read more about our group and related research at the PROSPAR web page.
Click here to see a detailed list of publications.
CS 636 | Analysis of Concurrent Programs | 2024-2025-II, 2020-2021-II, 2018-2019-II |
CS 610 | Programming for Performance | 2024-2025-I, 2023-2024-I, 2022-2023-I, 2020-2021-I, 2019-2020-I |
CS 335 | Compiler Design | 2023-2024-II, 2022-2023-II, 2019-2020-II |
ESC 101 | Fundamentals of Computing | 2021-2022-I |