CS771: Introduction to Machine Learning
Course Details: CS771 (3-0-0-0-9 credits): Introduction to Machine Learning
Important Websites:
Course Website: (this) [link]
Discussion Forum: Piazza [link]
Lecture Videos: YouTube [link]
Slides, Code, Notes: GitHub [link]
Feedback: All feedback to be given as Piazza messages/comments/posts
Course Description: please see the course syllabus here [link]
Course and Exam Schedule: please see the schedule for lectures, quizzes and exams here [link]
Course Admin Details and Office Hours:
All email IDs are @cse.iitk.ac.in unless mentioned otherwise
No | Name | Program | Email | Day | Time | Room |
1 | Anubhav Dixit | PhD | anubhavdixit | Friday | 1500-1600 | KD 309, A |
2 | Arjun Singh | MS | arjuns | Wednesday | 1600-1700 | RM 515 |
3 | Ayush Kothiyal | MTech | ayushk | Thursday | 1230-1330 | TBD |
4 | Ayush Sahni | MTech | sayush | Wednesday | 1530-1630 | RM 505 |
5 | Ayush Singh | MTech | ayushs | Tuesday | 1600-1700 | RM 505, B |
6 | Debdeep Paul Chaudhuri | MS | debdeeppc | Friday | 1600-1700 | KD 309 (Samsung IOT Lab) |
7 | Gajender Sharma | MTech | gajenders | Friday | 1700-1800 | RM 505 |
8 | Gourav Takhar | PhD | tgourav | Wednesday | 0900-1000 | KD 106 |
9 | Himanshu Lal | MS | himanshul | Tuesday | 1600-1700 | RM 515 |
10 | Hrushikesh Chunduri | PhD | hrushicnv | Thursday | 1500-1600 | C3i Building, 1st floor, E4 |
11 | Jeet Sarangi | MTech | jeets | Wednesday | 1600-1700 | RM 505 |
12 | Jegan Balaji B S | MS | jeganb | Saturday | 1730-1900 | RM 302 |
13 | Manjyot Singh Nanra | MTech | manjyots | Thursday | 1600-1700 | RM 505 |
14 | Manu Shukla | MTech | manushukla | Thursday | 1500-1600 | RM 506 |
15 | Mohan Anand Putrevu | PhD | pmohan | Thursday | 1600-1700 | C3i Building, F3 |
16 | Prashant Mishra | MTech | prashantm | Thursday | 1600-1700 | KD-316 |
17 | Rishik Jain | MTI | rishik | Tuesday | 1000-1100 | C3i Building |
18 | Rohit Kushwah | MTech | krohitk | Monday | 1600-1700 | RM 515, B |
19 | Sharanya Saha | MTech | sharanya | Thursday | 1700-1800 | RM 505 |
20 | Shivam Tripathi | MS | shivamtr | Tuesday | 1600-1700 | RM 515 |
21 | Tabish Ahmad | MTech | tabisha | Wednesday | 1630-1730 | KD 301 |
22 | Vikas Maurya | PhD | vikasmr | Thursday | 1700-1600 | C3i Building, 1st floor |
23 | Virendra Nishad | PhD | viren | Saturday | 1400-1500 | C3i Building, 1st floor |
Course Instructor: Purushottam Kar ()