CS602 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms (Sem II, 2017-18)


Instructor: Nitin Saxena

TAs: Sumanta Ghosh, Pranav Bisht, Pawan Kumar

Office: RM203

Email: nitin [at] iitk . ac . in

Lectures: Tue (10:30-12), Thu (12-13:15) ; KD101

Office Hours: TBA

Other: Please see Below


This is a refresher course in algorithms for post-graduate students only. We will study basic paradigms prevalent in algorithm design. Namely-- recursion, greedy, dynamic programming, amortization and reduction. These will be defined and exemplified by a great number of natural examples. The course focus will be on creative theoretical concepts and proofs. However, these methods are cornerstones of the practice of computer science & engineering as well.

Prerequisites: Basics of computation models, basic math.

Text Book: Dasgupta & Papadimitriou & Vazirani, Algorithms (McGraw-Hill)
                   Kleinberg & Tardos, Algorithm Design (Pearson)


[07-Apr-18]  Assignment 4 posted.
[21-Mar-18] EndSem Exam on Sat, 28-Apr (9am-12pm) in L-17(OROS).
[21-Mar-18] Quiz 3 is on 12-Apr in L-17.
[15-Mar-18] Quiz 2 is on 15-Mar in L-17. Extra class is on 24-Mar.
[24-Feb-18]  Assignment 3 posted.
[04-Feb-18]  MidSem Exam on Mon,19-Feb (6-8pm) in L-16(ERES).
[04-Feb-18]  Assignment 2 posted.
[23-Jan-18] Quiz 1 is on 25-Jan in L-17. Extra class is on 27-Jan.
[12-Jan-18]  Assignment 1 posted.
[02-Jan-18]  Course begins on Thu, 04-Jan-18.