Amitabha Mukerjee: Students

Students Supervised


1. Chuan-Jun Su, "Machinability based Process Planning", Computer Science Dept, Texas A&M University, 1991.

Recent M.Tech. Students

  1. Shami Gupta, "A two-vehicle traffic simulation for congested 
          roads using potential fields," March 1995. [Abstract]

  2. Ram Bhushan Agrawal, "A simulated binary crossover model for
          real-coded genetic algorithms and its application in
          modeling ambiguous shapes," April 1995. (Co-Advisor:
          Dr. Kalyanmoy Deb)

  3. Amol D. Mali, "Robot behaviour conflicts: Can intelligence be
          modularised?" April 1994

  4. Vikas Gujral, M.Tech Thesis, "From Geometry to Kinematics: A
          Configuration-Space approach for higher pair
          kinematics," May 1995

  5. Shyamanta Hazarika, "Planar Grasping Controller", M.Tech.
          Thesis (co-advisor: Dr Sudipto Mukherjee), February

  6. Nilesh K. Jain, M.Tech Thesis, "Visibility-check based
          operations planning for axisymmetric parts," May 1995

  7. Sanjay K. Pande, "Fast Planar Grasping using ANN's", M.Tech.
          Thesis Electrical Engg (co-Advisor: Prof PRK Rao),
          October 1996.

  8. Anurag Gupta, "Interactive selection of ambiguous 2-D
          shapes," M.Tech Thesis, January `1997.

  9. Atul Gupta, "A methodology for grasp robustness under shape
          uncertainty," February 1998

 10. Sathi Raju, "Slip Contact Formations: A Model for Human Re-
          grasping", April 1998

 11. Suman K. Ojha, "Design of A Reactive Human-like Vehicle
          Driving Agent", May 1998

 12. Sambit Dash, "Gesture-Based Teleoperation," April 1998

 13. Amit Anand Nema, "Defect Atlas and Image Analysis of Surface
          Defects on CR Steel Sheets", March 1999

 14. V. Jeyakumar, "Generation of Synthetic Image Sequences for
          Car Maneouvers Extracted by Image Sequence
          Evaluation," April 1999

 15. Anjan Goswami, "Identification of Partially Visible
          Variational Shape Classes", July 1999

 16. Sreangshu Acharya, "Real-Time learning of Soccer strategies
          based on Radial Basis Function Networks.", February

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