The underlying idea of configuration space is to represent the robot as a point in an appropriate space - the robot's configuration space - and to map the obstacles in this space.This mapping transforms the problem of motion planning into the problem of planning the motion of a point.It makes constraints on the motion of robot more explicit.
Let a frame FA be embedded in A and FW in W. As A is rigid, every point a of a has a fixed position with respect to FA. But a's position in W depends on the position and orientation of FA relative to FW.
A configuration of an arbitrary object is a specification of the position of every point in this object relative to a fixed reference frame[Arnold,1978]. Configuration q of A is a specification of the position T and orientation of FA with respect to FW.
The configuration space of A is the space C of all configurations of A.
The subset of W occupied by A at configuration q is denoted by A(q). The point a on A at configuration q is denoted by a(q) in W. Obstacles in Configuration Space
The obstacles are mapped in configuration space and the subset of C that is made of contact-free configuration is considered. Every obstacle Bi i = 1...q, in the workspace W maps in C to a region
which is called a C-obstacle.The union of all the C-obstacles:
is called the C-obstacle region, and the set:
is called the free spacei.Any configuration inCfree is called a free configuration.
FigureThe robot A (a square) can translate freely in the plane at a fixed orientation.The C-obstacle CBi is obtained by "growing the corresponding workspace obstacle Bi(a triangle) by the shape of A.Planning a motion of a relative to Bi is equivalent to planning a motion of the vertex 1 of A relative to CBi.
/ Methodology / Configuration space / Convex /