Route Planning and Querying System : A Cognitive Science Perspective

Dipendra Kumar Misra

Course Advisor : Dr. Amitabha Mukerjee

This is the home page of the my project on human reasoning in planning and navigation. I am doing this project as a requirement for SE367 : Cognitive Science course under the supervision of Dr. Amitabha Mukerjee.

It is clear that human do not simply minimize the distance as reported by Google-maps query. Instead if you ask a person a direction to the nearest cafe he might suggest a way that takes you through a floral road (if he likes flowers), or suggest you a route with minimum turns even though lengthy or might ask you if you want to stop by a pizza shop as well and suggest you an altogether route in such cases the person can even ask you some question like "do you like a particular type of coffee" in case there are two different type of caffe. I guess you would get a gist of a lot of reasoning that takes place and how it is different from merely minimizing the distance between two points. I guess I have excited you enough that you will take a look at other pages related to this project - for ease use the navigation buttons on top of the page.