CS 455: Software Engineering
Units: 3-0-0-9
Pre-requisites: CS210, CS202.
Course Contents:
- Software development lifecycle.
- Process models.
- Requirements specifications.
- Basic software architecture.
- Software design, UML modelling.
- Design patterns in software.
- Software implementation.
- Testing, verification and validation.
- Static analysis.
- Introduction to software model checking.
- Software metrics.
- Software project management.
Books and References:
- Ian Somerville, Software Engineering, 9th Ed., Pearson, 2010.
- C Ghezzi, M Jazayeri, D Mandrioli, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2002.
- RN Taylor, N Medvidovic, EM Dashofy, Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory and Practice, John Wiley, 2009.
- R Jhala, R Majumdar, Software Model Checking, ACM Computing Surveys, 41(4), Article 21, 2009.
- AV Aho, MS Lam, R Sethi, JD Ullman, Compiler Design: Principles, Techniques and Tools, 2nd Ed., Prentice- Hall, 2006