Hi! Since you've stumbled onto my blog, I will assume you have a little time to waste and use this opportunity to tell you a little about myself.
Although the index page of this website claims that my name is Pramod Subramanyan, this is actually a lie concocted to please the gods governing passport authorities, visa officers and search engines. My name is actually Pramod and Subramanyan is my father's name. Luckily, there is now a proliferation of South Indians with websites talking about this problem, so I won't say much beyond observing that I am mildly irritated when people address me as Mr. Subramanyan. I am occasionally tempted to point out that Mr. Subramanyan lives on another continent but have so far successfully resisted this urge.
When people ask me where I am from, I usually say Bangalore and leave it at that. The real answer is a little more complicated.
My parents were both bankers and thanks to their jobs I grew up in a few different places across India. I was born in the sleepy little town of Palakkad. I spent the first few years of my life shuttling between Ernakulam and Indore because my mother used to work in Ernakulam while my father was in Indore. We then moved to Bangalore, Chennai, Mysore and Bhopal respectively before eventually returning to Bangalore. And it was in Bangalore that I did my undergraduate work at the R. V. College of Engineering and my master's degree at the Indian Institute of Science. Of course, I now live in Princeton.
I speak English, Hindi, Kannada and Tamil. Although Tamil is technically my native language, it is also (somewhat unfortunately) the language I know the least well among these four. Oh, and now that I'm married, I'm also picking up a little Bengali!
Whatever little free time I have nowadays is spent running, cooking and reading. Various people have told me that I am a good cook. What they don't know is that I have a smallish set of sure-shot recipes that I cook well and I fall back to this set whenever I have company! My day-to-day cooking is best characterized as experimental. All that said, I do vastly prefer my own cooking to most of the restaurants we have in Princeton. Whether this is an indictment of the restaurant scene in Princeton or an endorsement of my abilities is an open question. Probably a bit of both.
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