Homework 2: Eigenfaces and Isomap
For part I, you are to modify the MATLAB code
from Kevin Murphy's
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective,
so as to do the following tasks. In part II, you are also to use
the ISOMAP code from
Isomap .
The homework is due on Thursday 11 September.
Part I. Eigenfaces and hallucinations
In this part, you are to use the dataset
This includes 10 faces for each of you(converted to 92 X 112 Grayscale), 6 in training set and rest 4 in test set in addition to the original data. In case you have NOT uploaded your
faces, you really MUST do it by Thursday 4 September 5 PM. The final .mat file
will be updated after that.
A. Compute the reconstruction error for your five images in this .mat
file, and show the output for TWO of these in terms of the reconstructed image
with 10 and 100 eigenvectors, and the reconstruction error plot for 1 to 100
eigenvectors. A sample output image is shown below.
B. Use k-NN with k=1 and report the face it is recognized as.
Do the same with k=3, and report a face as recognized
only if two of the neighbours are the same person.
C. A second set of test images are in
The images in this file are shown below (they are in the
Show the same outputs and plots for these images.
Part II. Are face spaces nonlinear?
Take these subsets of your own faces
- Horizontal motion
- Vertical motion
- Mix of Horizontal, Vertical and Rotating Faces
- Compute the PCA on these images and computer
the residual variance for 1 to 100 eigenvectors.
- Run isomap for target dimension d=1 to d=10 and compute
the residual variance for 10, 100 eigenvectors for i, ii and iii.
Report a sample of 4-10 original images from your dataset
and the residual variance plots.
- What would be the expected intrinsic dimension of the
variation in this data?
Give reasons for any differences you observe in the residual variances