English Reading


Gaze video

a) Identify the points where you backtracked the gaze
- Line 4 - "the idea"
- Line 7 - "he faced"
- Line 8 - "turn out to be accepted"
- Line 8 - "constancy"
- Line 10 - "others"

b) Where in the text are your fixations longer?
- Line 2 - "inherited"
- Line 2 - "this therory"
- Line 3 - "ridiculed"
- Line 10 - "rejecting"

c) Explain your observations with respect to the text at these points.
---- a) - the gaze backtracked to the word "ridiculed". Perhaps because it is not amongst the most common vocabulary that I felt the need to recheck.
- backtrack to the word "opposition" to recheck
- backtrack to "turn out to be accepted" - information pertaining to the fate of the theory.
- backtrack to "theory of organism constancy" - to confirm the name of the theory in consideration
- the end of the reading. I don't think it was a backtrack, but rather a random fixation.

---- b) - the end of the sentence. The first sentence of the read sets the context. The pause at its end helps us set stage.
- "this theory" - perhaps I was mapping the context to the theory in the before sentence. - "ridiculed" - I was expecting a simpler word to follow. - the end of the reading. A random fixation.

Hindi Reading

It takes me a really long time to read that paragraph in Hindi. So, I was suggested not to.