SE367: Introduction to Cognitive Science

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Jan - Apr 2013

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Homework 1

Task Description

In the first discussion session in this course, you have to discuss the following papers, available from the Readings page (internal to IIT-K; first two papers are in one PDF):
  • Ferdinand de Saussure (1916): Nature of the linguistic sign
  • Charles Sanders Peirce, 1932: The sign: icon, index, and symbol (excerpt)
  • Steven Harnad 1990: The symbol grounding problem
  • Searle 1990: Is the brain's mind a computer program?
  • Cangelosi and Greco and Harnad 2002: Symbol grounding and the symbolic theft hypothesis
  • One paper you select on the theme of symbol grounding / image schema
Every group should put up at least one 1-page summary of the discussions that you had. More than one member of the group are encouraged to put up any differing viewpoints etc.

These summaries and presentations need to be uploaded in your homepage area and made accessible from the following URL:
The two people presenting the 5-minute summary can put up their presentation, in any of their directories (either as .ppt or as .pdf).

Presentations must be uploaded by 11:55AM on 17 Jan (i.e., before the class).

Summaries are due as HTML or plaintext pages on the midnight of 17 January.


    | Group | Roll No.  | Dept | Name                | E-mail   |
    |     A | 10007     | CSE  | Abhijit Sharang     | abhisg   |
    |     A | 10459     | PHY  | Nitica C Sakharwade | nitica   |
    |     A | Y9213     | EE   | Ganesh Pitchiah     | ganeshp  |
    |     A | 10222     | CSE  | Deepak Pathak       | deepakp  |
    |     A | 11255     | BSBE | Diksha Gupta        | diksha   |
    |     B | 10074     | CSE  | Amit Kumar          | akkumar  |
    |     B | 10598     | CSE  | Rishabh Nigam       | rishabhn |
    |     B | 10648     | BSBE | Sashank Pisupati    | sashankp |
    |     B | Y9227188  | EE   | Debidatta Dwibedi   | debidatt |
    |     B | Y9366     | CSE  | Nehchal Jindal      | nehchal  |
    |     C | 10479     | CSE  | Pankajprateek K     | pratikkr |
    |     C | 10526     | CSE  | Praveen Dhinwa      | dpraveen |
    |     C | 10551     | CSE  | Rabi Shanker Guha   | rabisg   |
    |     C | 10560     | CSE  | Rahul Meena         | rahulme  |
    |     C | Y9156     | CSE  | Avinash PK Koyya    | avinashk |
    |     D | 10251     | BSBE | Divyaratan Popli    | divyartn |
    |     D | 10281     | BSBE | Harmanjit Singh     | harman   |
    |     D | 10599     | BSBE | Rishabh Raj         | rrishu   |
    |     D | Y9201     | CSE  | Dipendra K Misra    | dkmisra  |
    |     D | Y9288     | CSE  | Kritika Singh       | skritika |
    |     E | 10358     | ME   | Kuldeep Yadav       | kuldeepy |
    |     E | 10427     | BSBE | N A A Abubakkar     | abulaala |
    |     E | 10671     | PHY  | Shashank Sahu       | sahus    |
    |     E | Y9418     | CSE  | Prakhar Banga       | prakban  |
    |     E | Y9545     | CSE  | Shashank Sonkar     | ssonkar  |
    |     E | 11481     | ECO  | Pandya Aman         | amanhp   |
    |     F | 10577     | CSE  | Rajiv K Omar        | rajivk   |
    |     F | 10607     | ME   | Rohinish Gupta      | rohinish |
    |     F | Y9209     | CSE  | Era Jain            | eraj     |
    |     F | Y9227434  | EE   | Pratyush Sinha      | psinha   |
    |     F | Y9227645  | EE   | Vempati Anurag Sai  | vanurag  |
    |     G | 12119061  | DES  | Aravind M           | aravind  |
    |     G | 12119062  | DES  | Shanu S             | shanush  |
    |     G | 10332     | BSBE | Prashant            | kalprash |
    |     G | Y8211061  | CSE  | M S Ram             | msram    |