Matlab code for Dimensionality Reduction

The matlab code consists of these files:
Isomap.m : standard code from Tenenbaum, for computing the isomaps, 
	computing the residual error plots for different dimensions, etc. 
main.m - sample main file
	 a) creates the .mat file from a numImages in a images/ subdir
	 b) runs the isomap

makingmatfile.m : make matlab data file (xxx.mat) from images folder

In addition to isomap, you will need to use lle.m and pca.m for other parts of the problem.

Subdirectory draw-images

draw_arm.m  : main file for drawing grayscale images of an arm
		(the colour files given here were generated by a different
		program, but you are welcome to experiment with these images)
images/  : set of 40 images generated by draw_arm 
data.mat : data file for images generated by draw_arm

other files used by draw_arm:

angles.txt : theta file generated by draw_arm