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Due date: 10 nov 2011Average phrase - reference1. Consider the two descriptions for this image: a) the indian roller is on the window-ledge. b) the window ledge is below the indian roller. one of these is less acceptable than the other. one explanation for this may be in terms of a figure-ground distinction. very broadly, figure is more likely to be get attended to than the ground. this type of selection is widespread in language. cognitive linguists point to such cases as evidence for language arising from general cognitive functions, and not being "autonomous". present your own view (1 or 2 paragraphs) on this. 2. COMPLEX PREDICATES consists of two verbs, e.g. the Hindi "ro paRA". One of these gives most of the meaning (ro), and determines how many arguments there are and what they are doing. this is the "heavy verb". the other verb (paRA), called a "light verb", is thought to be "grammaticalized" and may contribute to finer aspects of temporal meaning, what is called the "grammatical aspect". ask two Hindi speakers about the following comninations of HV (rows) and LVs (columns): gayA chalA paRA DaalA uThA nikal keh bol ro has a) of these 25 possible combinations which are acceptable in the language of your interlocutor? b) record some usage examples with the LVs gayA, paRA and uThA? How do these differ in meaning, in their opinions? c) what can you say about the nature of energy use when using the Light Verb "uThA"?
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