In the last lecture we saw a type class based solution to create functions that take variable number of arguments. Here we give a template haskell based solution.
Template haskell is the Haskell way of doing Meta programming. At the very least one can use it like a macro substitution but it can be used to do much more. The idea is to process the Haskell code at compile time using Haskell itself. A programmer can write Haskell functions to manipulate Haskell code and using special syntax arrange the compiler to manipulate code at compile time. In this lecture we will see how to define a version of printf using template haskell.
Template Haskell consists of two important steps.
Quoting: To allow user defined function to manipulate the Haskell code one needs to represent the program as a value in some suitable data type. The data types defined in the module Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
is used for this purpose. For example the type Exp
defined in the above module is used to represent a valid Haskell expression. Have a look into the documentation of that module.
Splicing. Once the Haskell language fragment is processed using various function defined by the user, it needs to be compiled by the compiler. This processing is called splicing.
One point to be noted though is that template haskell does not splice the code directly but only those that are expressions that are inside the quoting monad Q. This monad is required because while generate code various side effects are created. For example a variable x
used in a fragment of the code has a different meaning if there is a local binding defined on it. Besides one would want to read in data from files (think of config files) to perform compile time operations.
There are two syantactic extensions to Haskell that makes template Haskell possible. If a haskell expression is written between [|
and |]
, the compiler will replace it with the corresponding representation in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
. For example, the expression [| "Hello" |]
is of type Q Exp
. The corresponding Exp
value is LitE (StringL "Hello")
The following are the extra syntactic conventions used.
[e| ... |]
or just [|
... '|]' for quoting expressions. This has type Q Exp
[d| ... |]
for quoting declarations. This has type Q [Decl]
[t| ... |]
for quoting types. This has type Q Type
[p| ... |]
for quoting patterns. This has type Q Pat
The splicing is done using the syntax $(...)
(no space between $
and (
The types Q Exp
and Q Pat
etc occur so often that there are aliases for them ExpQ
and PatQ
respectively. As an exercise guess the types aliases for Q Type
and Q Decl
Whenever possible it is better to make use of the [| ... |]
notation to build quoted expressions. However sometimes it is better to use the constructors of Exp
directly. Recall that we can splice only quoted expressions, i.e values of type Q Expr (or equivalently ExpQ). Say you have a quoted expressions qe
and qf
which correspondes to the haskell expression e
and f
respectively. If one wants to obtaine the quoted expression which correspondes to the application of the function f
on the expression e
, we would have to do something like the following
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To make this efficient there is a combinator called appE
which does essentially what the constructor AppE
does but works on Q Exp
rather than Exp
appE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
The above code will then look like appE qe qf
. There are such monadic version of all the constructors of Exp
available. Make use of it.
First note that we have enabled template Haskell using the compiler pragma given above. It should be the very first line of your source code. A unrecognised pragma is ignored by the compiler but sometimes a warning is issued.
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Few things about enabling the template haskell. Strictly speaking this module does not need TemplateHaskell, rather it can be written without using template Haskell. This is because all it does is define functions that process objects of type Expr
or ExprQ
. I have enabled it so as to write appE [|show|]
instead of the more complicated. appE (varE 'show)
First let us capture the formating via a data type
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We need a function that will parse a string and the give the corresponding list for format. The exact details are not really of interest as far as template haskell is concerned. See the end of the file for an implementation.
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The printf function can then be defined as.
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We would rather implement the prinfP function. Let the list of formatting instructions be [f_1,..,f_n], then we want prinfP [f_1,...,f_n]
when spliced to return the code.
\ x0 ... xm -> concat [e1,...,e_n]
Here e_i depends on the ith format instruction f_i. If f_i is a literal then it will just be a literal string. Otherwise it would be an appropriate variable. In our case it should be xj
where j
is the number of non-literal, i.e. S
or G
, formating instructions to the left of e_i. The number is the total number of non-literal formatting instructions in the list [f_1,...,f_n] and should be less than or equal to n.
Suppose we know the number of variables to the left of a format instruction f_i, how do we generate the expression e_i ? The following function does that
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Here we make use of the following helper Template haskell functions which we have defined subsequently.
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The printfP function then is simple. Recall that when spliced it should generate the expression
\ x0 ... xm -> concat [e1,...,e_n]`
The complete definition is given below.
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Here are the definition of the helper functions
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We now come to the parsing of the format string. For simplicity of implementation if % occurs before an unknow format string it is treated as literal occurance.
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To try it out load it with ghci using the option -XTemplateHaskell. You need this option to tell ghci that it better expect template haskell stuff like Oxford bracket [| |]
and splicing $(...)
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Write a function that will optimise the format instructions by merging consecutive literal strings. Is there any point in optimising the format instructions?
Rewrite the printf module to not use any template haskell itself.