We have already seen an example of a compound data type namely list. Recall that, a list is either an empty list or a list with a head element and rest of the list. We begin by defining a list data type. Haskell already provides a list data type so we do not need to define a user defined data type. However, we do this for illustration
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One reads this as follows "List of a
is either EmptyList
or a Cons
of a
and List
of a
". Here the variable a
is a type variable. The result of this is that List
is now a polymorphic data type. We can instatiate this with any other Haskell data types. A list of integers is then List Integer
The identifiers EmptyList
and Cons
are the two constructors of our new data type List
. The constructors can now be used in Haskell expressions. For example EmptyList
is a valid Haskell expression. So is Cons 2 EmptyList
and Cons 1 (Cons 2 EmptyList)
. The standard list actually has two constructors, namely []
and (:)
We can now define functions on our new data type List
using pattern matching in the most obvious way. Here is a version of sum
that works with List Int
instead of [Int]
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As the next example, we two functions to convert from our list type to the standard list type.
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and foldl
for our new list type.We now give the general syntax for defining data types.
data Typename tv_1 tv_2 tv_n = C1 te_11 te_12 ... te_1r1
| C2 te_21 te_22 ... te_2r2
| . . .
| Cm te_m1 te_m2 ... te_mrm
Here data is a key word that tells the complier that the next equation is a data type definition. This gives a polymorphic data type with type arguments tv_1,...,tv_n
. The te_ij
's are arbitrary type expressions and the identifiers C1
to Cm
are the constructors of the type. Recall that in Haskell there is a constraint that each variable, or for that matter type variable, should be an identifer which starts with a lower case alphabet. In the case of type names and constructors, they should start with upper case alphabet.
Constructors of a data type play a dual role. In expressions they behave like functions. For example in the List
data type that we defined the EmptyList
constructor is a constant List (which is the same as 0-argument function) and Cons
has type a -> List a -> List a
. On the other hand constructors can be used in pattern matching when defining functions.
We now look at another example the binary tree. Recall that a binary tree is either an empty tree or has root and two children. In haskell this can be captured as follows
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To illustrate function on tree let us define the depth
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