In this course, you will be introduced to a wide variety of programming tools which you will need in your day to day life as a professional. At our department the material for this course is split into two courses titled Computing laboratory I and II with courses codes CS251 and CS252 respectively.

Getting started.

You will need to create an account for yourself at bitbucket. Our course material and wiki will be hosted on it.

We expect you to use the issue tracker of the course repository to raise any issue and discuss stuff. You are also welcome to send fixes for stuff in the notes, update wiki entries etc.

Computing Laboratory I

This semester (i.e. Dec 2014 to Apr 2015) we will be running the CS251. The topics covered include.


The list of assignment together with how to submit is available at


Here are the slides for some of the lectures. It uses reveal.js for presentation. The key bindings for presentation are PAGEDOWN/SPACE for next PAGEUP for previous and ESC for overview

  1. Getting started
  2. Document preparation using LaTeX
  3. Using make
  4. Shell Programming
  5. Basic Cryptography
  6. Graphviz and tikz for high quality pictures
  7. Styling websites using Sass and Compass