Why another cryptolibrary?
July 30, 2016 (Saturday) reddit thisHaskell is already endowed with a comprehensive set of libraries for cryptography like cryptonite, for example. What justifies working on another cryptographic library, after all isn’t the 11-th commandment “Thou shall not (re)-implement cryptography” ? This post is not a cryptonite vs raaz comparison — a simple look at the haddock documentations of the two libraries should convince anyone that cryptonite is far ahead of raaz. This post is an attempt at bringing out the reasons for working on raaz and what is the rough road map that I intend to follow. But firstly I would like to dispose of two myths that seems to be prevalent on the internet at large when it comes to cryptographic library.
Firstly, I would like to dispose of the unnecessary fear of (re)-implementing cryptography. This fear is unfounded and, I believe, is partly responsible for open source libraries like OpenSSL becoming the “enterprise” level crypto-implementation that it is now. How else does one explain a successful open source project becoming such a nightmare of a code base? Cryptographic libraries are software libraries in the first place so all the best practices for building large scale software should be applicable to it as well. How can it be otherwise? I am not denying the fact that there are certain class of bugs unique to cryptographic implementations like timing based attacks. However, once these class of bugs are identified, it is just a question of suitably modifying the development process to account for such bugs as well. As a Haskell programmer, one should be wondering how to exploit the type system to avoid these kinds of bugs.
The second myth is that one needs to be a professional cryptographer to write a cryptographic library. Granted, it is difficult if one is Donald Trump but one does not need to be djb either to pull it off, although being the later does give some significant advantages. Building software in any field requires absorbing the nuances of the field and cryptography is no different. To drive home the point, it would be absurd to say that one should not work on an api to access databases just because one is not a database expert.
A professional cryptographer has an advantage but remember, she might not have experience building large software and might not be familiar with some of the cool tricks one can play with types. So if you think you are capable of developing complex software, with enough background reading and awareness of the literature, you should be able to contribute significantly in the development of a crypto-library.
I am not a professional cryptographer by any means. One of my current interest is to build reliable software by using formal methods whenever possible. With a strongly typed language like Haskell, I believe, one can go quite a bit in building a secure cryptographic library. This is my main motivation behind Raaz. The kind of bugs that we want to deal with are
Timing related bugs.
Bugs due to secret leaking out of unlocked memory.
Bugs arising due to low level buffer management.
Raaz addresses all these in its own unique ways.
Timing attacks.
While timing related bugs are hard in general, for example cache-timing attacks for AES SBOX (current version of raaz uses an sbox), some trivial kind of timing attacks like the ones due to naive string comparisons should be avoided whenever possible. In a language like C, one does not have much hope here. Even if the library writer is careful enough to provide a timing independent string comparison, the enforcement of this is left at the whims and fancies of the application developer.
Raaz provides the class Equality
, the timing independent cousin of the Eq
class. Instead of the the function (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
what we have is the function eq : Equality a => a -> a -> Result
. Here the Result
type is an opaque type that captures the result of a comparison. Two such comparisons can be combined using the monoid instance of Result
which essentially takes the AND of the two results but does it in a timing safe way.
In raaz we insist that cryptographically sensitive types like hashes and MACs should have their Equality
instance declared first. Their Eq
instance is then declared using the combinator (===)
which makes use of eq
to do the timing safe comparison. Clearly, we cannot enforce this at compile time but we can look for this pattern while reviewing the code base. Anything other than this, like for example a deriving Eq
clause, should raise suspicion.
Pointer manipulation.
The library needs a lot of low-level pointer manipulation in serialisation/de-serialisation and memory allocation. We have an abstraction for such pointer manipulation as a result of which, pointer arithmetic is done only once in the entire code base. The abstraction is based on a generalisation of semi-direct product and is described in our upcoming Haskell symposium paper. In particular, our secure memory interface uses this abstraction.
Known limitations and future directions.
My first aim is to get the API correct. We have place holder implementations of the SHA2 family of hashes and aes-cbc but we have not really tweaked these either for security or performance. The AES code for example uses sbox which is not really a great idea.
In no particular order these are the current goals (comments, criticism and most importantly pull requests are welcome).
High quality documentation (both haddock and internal source code level documentation).
Using types every where. The types should work for us even at the lowest of the levels at which we work.
Formalising a reviewer’s check list which contains things to actively look for while reviewing code. The example of the
instance is one such.Building against multiple architecture. This is to detect bugs due to alignment restrictions, endianness confusion etc. One easy way to get this working is to build on Ubuntu launch pad.
It does not mean I will be unhappy with merging a bit-sliced implementation of AES-CTR but the above ones are my priorities as of now.