Cognitive Science is where I do my research. AI and machine learning is where I do my development, trying to bring insights from cognitive science to AI in order to make it more human-like

  1. I have done some work on accounting for boredom and satiety in making online recommendations.
  2. I have operationalized psychological models of humor to identify humor in online videos using metadata.
  3. I have used bio-inspired hierarchical arrangements of vision algorithms to design computationally efficient surveillance methods.
  4. I have designed bio-inspired anomaly detection and system health monitoring methods for UAVs and drones.

The underlying theme of my AI research is the application of cognitive insights to systems that have previously been using solutions designed for analytical tractability. Incorporating insights from cognitive science, in some instances at least, brings such systems closer to fulfilling human requirements. I remain interested in working on such projects in future, with 3-4 such projects germinating in my lab already thanks to collaboration with some very enthusiastic undergrads.