IIT Kanpur has developed Opearting system for smartcards which is SCOSTA compliant and another which is SCOSTA - CL compliant. To check for the correctness and robustness of the operating system and to look for bugs, a comprehensive testing mechanism has been developed here at IIT Kanpur. A number of test scripts have been written which are ISO 7816 and SCOSTA compliant. There are 33 such scripts which rigorously test all the operations and functions of the operating system.
A Tool called STK (Scosta testing kit) has been developed which allows a tester to run the scripts through a user friendly interface.
These scripts may be run individually or may be grouped together before running them. These scripts are being used by NIC to test out the operating systems developed and submitted by various companies. If there are any bugs in the operating system then it is mentioned in the log which is created for each script. Based on the successful running of these scripts, NIC awards SCOSTA certification to these operating systems.
To get the executables of the test scripts, Kindly contact -
Dr.Rajat Moona,
CSE Department, IIT Kanpur.
email: moona@iitk.ac.in
Phone no. 0512-2597652