The Smartcard based Access Control System (ACS) was deployed at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) in January 2009. The Smart Card based ACS is meant for only those people who are holding the SmartID card of IIT Kanpur and also the users of Smartcard based vending machine system in HSS Department. The electronic door lock of Savior Company is fitted at the door. This lock is operated with the help of a computer to which smart card readers are connected. Software called Access Control is installed on this computer. Upon insertion of the ID card in the smart card reader, the software will check if user is authorized to enter the tea room in HSS Department and grant or deny access accordingly.
Dr. Ravichandran of the HSS Department helped the project group of SmartCard based ID system in CSE Department in deploying the electronic door lock at the room where Smart card operated vending machine is kept in the HSS Department. Mr. Rudra Tiwari and Mr. Kunal Bajpai have put their best effort in developing the software under the guidance of Prof. Rajat Moona. Users may contact any of these people in Room No.108, CSE Department for any kind of help regarding the Smartcard based Access Control System. |