Smartcard based E-Cash system in HSS Department at IIT Kanpur
The Smartcard based Vending Machine was deployed at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) in January 2009. This vending machine contains a total of six channels that are capable of dispensing badam milk, cardamom tea, coffee, tomato soup, etc. Machine is operated by a computer which has special software installed on it. There is a Vending administrator, who manages the machine and loads the smartID cards with cash. Users need to upload their SmartID card with some prepaid cash from the Vending authority.
This card is then used to dispense beverages at the vending kiosk. Payment of beverages is done with SmartID card only. There are a total of 41 users of the vending machine till January 2009. Hot water is available for free. Dr. Ravichandran of the HSS Department helped the project group of SmartCard based ID system in CSE Department in deploying the vending machine at HSS Department.
Mr. Rudra Tiwari and Mr. Kunal Bajpai put their best efforts in developing the software under the guidance of Prof. Rajat Moona. Users may contact any of these people in Room No.108, CSE Department for any kind of help regarding this application.