Smartcard based attendance system has been deployed in various Departments/Sections/Units at IIT Kanpur. It is being used to mark attendance by staff.
Documents related to the software and help manuals were mailed to all the Department heads and a training session on electronic attendance module was held on 29th August 2008. This session was attended by 25 people from various departments and centers. These people are the ones nominated by the department Heads to manage the electronic attendance system in their respective departments.
By January 2009, the electronic attendance system had been deployed and running successfully in 45 Departments/Sections/Units at IIT Kanpur.
Advantages of Electronic Attendance:
- No need to maintain Attendance Registers.
- Attendance Records cannot be tampered with.
- Proxy Attendance cannot be marked.
- Attendance is stored in databases on a server.
- Attendance records can be viewed on LAN using Attendance Management System.
- Automatic backups of attendance records are taken.
- Attendance report of the individual can be generated and taken as print out.
- Statistical Analysis of the data can be done easily.