Notes on tuning peLIFO:
1. If your simulator has a single-bank monolithic LLC, you can pass zero for the
``parity'' argument. However, a few changes have to be made to peLIFO.cc. Please
use this code. If you have a banked
LLC, but it is more
convenient for you to simulate one pelifo object per LLC bank (as opposed to a pair of banks), you should pass zero for the ``parity'' argument and use the
code here.
2. The posted interface code uses sixteen sample sets per policy for every
1024 LLC sets. For certain workload classes, this may not be the optimal.
The users are advised to try eight and four sample sets per policy also
and pick the best among these three. For your convenience, I have provided
peLIFO.cc for these two cases here.
Eight sample sets per policy per 1024 LLC sets
Four sample sets per policy per 1024 LLC sets
Eight sample sets per policy per 1024 LLC sets for single-bank LLC
Four sample sets per policy per 1024 LLC sets for single-bank LLC
3. The constants PROBABILITY_THR, SAMPLING_THR, and MOVEMENT_THR (in the order of decreasing importance) may need some amount of tuning. Please read comments
in the code to understand the meaning of these constants.
Updated: 10-APR-2010