Indranil Saha

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
RM 408 (Rajeev Motwani Building)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Uttar Pradesh 208016, India

Email: isaha[at]cse[dot]iitk[dot]ac[dot]in
Tel No: +91 512 259 6343 (Office)
Fax No: +91 512 679 7586 (Office)

[ bio | awards | research | teaching | activities | travel | cv ]

I am looking for motivated PhD students to work on exciting projects in the areas of AI, formal methods, cyber-physical systems, and robotics.


[June 2024] I am in the program committee of AAAI 2025.
[June 2024] I am in the program committee of FSE 2025.
[May 2024] Pankaj Siwan has defended his MS thesis successfully. Congratulations Pankaj!!
[January 2024] A paper on Online On-Demand Multi-robot Coverage Path Planning has been accepted in ICRA 2024.
[January 2024] A paper titled An Online Planning Framework for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems with LTL Specification has been accepted in ICCPS 2024.
[December 2023] A paper on Sample Efficient Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Unique Experiences has been accepted in AAMAS 2024.
[December 2023] A paper on Scalable Multi-Robot Goal Assignment for Minimizing Mission Time has been accepted in AAAI 2024.
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