CS963: Computer Networks 1


Credits: 3-0-0-9


Instructor: Dr. Swaprava Nath/Dr. Debadatta Mishra

Major, Measurable Learning Objectives

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

  • Learn how the Internet works
  • Learn the layer wise abstraction of the networking components and the corresponding protocols
  • Learn the physical layer communication technologies in brief
  • Develop a local area network prototype from scratch

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

ESC 101, CS 210

Texts and Special Teaching Aids

Lecture notes, lecture videos, and relevant reference texts will be provided to students by the instructor. Self-study would be an important component of this course.


The students will be exposed to the following topics:

  • Introduction, history and development of computer networks, networks topologies. Layering and protocols. [2 hours]
  • Physical Layer: Different types of transmission media, errors in transmission: attenuation, noise. Repeaters. Encoding (NRZ, NRZI, Manchester, 4B/5B, etc.). [4 hours] 
  • MAC Layer: Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA protocols. Examples: Ethernet, including Gigabit Ethernet and WiFi (802.11). Time permitting, a quick exposure to Token Ring and to Bluetooth, WiMax may also be included. [6 hours]
  • Data Link Layer: Error detection (Parity, CRC), Sliding Window, Stop and Wait protocols. [4 hours] 
  • LAN: Design, specifications of popular technologies, switching. A student should be able to design LAN of a campus or a building.  [4 hours]

The course will consist of 3 hours of lectures per week, and homework.



Semester grades will be based on the following weights.

  • Quizzes                                           10% each (two proctored)
  • Programming assignment     30% (one at-home)
  • Final exam                                     50% (one proctored)


Semester grades will be determined after all work is completed and graded. Point ranges for letter grades will be based on several factors, including absolute and relative performance. Letter grades will not be based on a fixed, predetermined curve or point range.