About me

I am Dipesh, a PhD scholar at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK). My research focuses on "Hardware Security" with a specialization in timing attacks on Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture.

Research Interests

  • Hardware Security

    Hardware Security

    Securing the architecture from side-channel attacks such as timing, electromagnetic (EM), and power-based attacks.

  • Timing Attacks

    Timing Side-Channel Attacks

    Breaking the secure cryptographic primitives by monitoring their execution time.

  • mobile app icon

    Network-on-Chip (NoC)

    Safeguarding the NoC architecture from timing attacks.


  • Dr. Urbi Chatterjee

    Dr. Urbi Chatterjee

    She is the Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur since March, 2021. Previously, she was a member of Secure Embedded Architecture Laboratory (SEAL), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and have completed her Ph. D. under the supervision of Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay and Prof. Rajat Subhra Chakraborty. The broad area of her research is Hardware Security.




  1. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

    2022 — present

    Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering

  2. IK Gujral Punjab Technical University

    2017 — 2021

    B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering

  3. C.B.S.E


    Senior Secondary


  1. Elliptic Curve Breaker

    Developed Python program to break elliptic curve cryptography using Pollard rho method, showcasing expertise in cryptography and programming. Exploited vulnerabilities in elliptic curve-based systems, utilizing Python's math and cryptographic libraries.

  2. ARP Spoof Detector

    Python program has been developed on a Linux-based operating system to detect and prevent malicious nodes from altering the Routing Tables. The program operates autonomously, continuously monitoring the Routing Tables for any unauthorized modifications.

My skills

  • C/C++
