Next: Assumptions
Up: Test bed for Measuring
Previous: Test bed for Measuring
The test bed was designed to facilitate easy measurement of various parameters
of web server performance like average response time for requests and the
throughput of Web Server system. While setting up the test bed following goals
were kept in mind:
- The test bed should emulate real Internet scenario in the lab
environment. It should use standard components and follow standard
protocols used in Internet.
- Test bed should be general enough so that different policies for
request distribution at front node and DNS can be easily incorporated in
this test bed. Thus it should make comparison of different schemes very
- The test bed should be flexible enough to modify only selected
components without needing many changes in other components.
- Servers should pass their state information to front node and front
nodes should pass cluster state information to DNS so that various
dynamic policies based on system state information for request
distribution can be implemented and compared easily.
- Design of test bed should be such that it does not constrain or fix
the number of servers, clusters and clients to be used in the test bed.
- It should only focus on distributed web sever system implementation and
we should be free to use standard benchmarking software like "Webstone"
for testing the performance of system.
Next: Assumptions
Up: Test bed for Measuring
Previous: Test bed for Measuring
Puneet Agarwal