Next: System model
Up: Proposed Architecture for Web
Previous: Proposed Architecture for Web
A Distributed Web Server System (DWSS) consists of a large number of servers
with some mechanism to distribute the incoming client requests among those
servers. We have the following design goals for the DWSS architecture:
- Components used should be compatible with current protocol and
network elements, i.e. they can be deployed in current infrastructure and
protocol suite very easily.
- It should not require change of components at client side or components
on which website administrator has no control, i.e. change in only server
side components is allowed.
- System should be geographically scalable, i.e. more servers in
clusters can be added when needed in LAN environment and besides that more
clusters (that may be geographically far apart) can be added in web server
system on WAN.
- System should give better performance in terms of latency perceived
at client side, i.e. time lag between request submission by user and content
reaching at client side software should be minimized.
- System should be user transparent, i.e. single virtual interface
to access website should be provided at the URL level, request should be
directed to appropriate server automatically by web server system.
- System should be fault tolerant, i.e. system should continue
working (may be with degraded performance) even if some servers or clusters
fail or taken off-line.
- System should avoid overloading of any server, i.e. requests beyond
capacity of any server should not reach to it, since it may result in crashing
of servers.
- System should not incur too much additional overhead for its
functioning, in terms of computation required or network traffic generated.
Next: System model
Up: Proposed Architecture for Web
Previous: Proposed Architecture for Web
Puneet Agarwal