Debadatta Mishra
Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
email: deba [at] cse [dot] iitk [dot] ac [dot] in

Research: I love building stuff at the lowest layer of the software stack. My notion of systems starts with the layers below the applications till the architecture interfaces which includes operating systems, hypervisors, network stacks. Open source system software like the Linux Kernel, KVM/Xen hypervisors and architectural simulators are my research playground. I am also passionate about revisiting the architecture-OS interfaces to address performance and security concerns in an era of ever-evolving technology. More details regarding the group can be found here.

I am looking for motivated PhD, MS/MTech students. If you are interested, please note the following

Students@IITK: If you are interested to work with me (or not sure but want to explore), I encourage you to credit system courses such as Linux kernel programming (CS614), Topics in Operating Systems (CS730), Advanced Computer Architecture (CS622) and Programming for Performance (CS610).

Prospective students: You can refer to the department admissions page to find out more about the admission process. You may also drop me an email to know more about working with me before applying.

Others: If you are passionate about building systems and want to discuss more, you can walk by my office or send me an email.
Past Courses


ArunKP (2018) (co-advised with Biswa@IITB)
Shiv (2020)
Rohit (2021)
Yashika (2022)(co-advised with Mainak)
Binong (2023)(Primary Adviser: Swarnendu)

Sumaiya (MS2019)
Abhinav (MS2022)

Graduated students

For further details visit the CDOS Group Page
