Homework 1
Overfitting and Complex Models
What to do
You are given four files:
These files contain data in two columns: "Time" and "Height".
This data represents height measurements for dropping a ball
down for a fixed amount of time.
What to submit
In each of cases below, you should plot a graph for each of these models to demonstrate, visually, how well the curve fits the data. Provide a graph of Error vs. Polynomial Degree for both (small and big) datasets.A. Use theFinally, analyze why you are getting the results you have. What is your best guess for the target function (which is, of course, a quadratic)? What is the difference between Test data and Validation data? Provide all the code you have used for every step in the assignment.h1_train_small.csv
file to train polynomials of degrees N= 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 9 (minimally). You should plot the accuracy on the training set and compare it with that on theh1_test.csv
test data. Also tabulate the coefficients of your polynomials for these different N (as in Table 1.1 from Bishop, page 8). B. You will then use theh1_validate.csv
validation dataset and plot the error on this for the different polynomials. You should report the optimal degree N as suggested by the validation, and the final error, tested on theh1_test.csv
test data, for your optimal model. C. You will now use the larger training seth1_train_big
dataset, and observe the differences with the test set results. What N is suggested now by the training set? Is there any benefit to using a validation set in this case?
Submission Process
Submissions should be through your course webpage:
This hw1/ directory should contain all images etc. related to this
NOTE: Please do not use global references
e.g. <a href="home.iitk.ac.in/~USERID/cs365/FILE">).
Instead use local paths
( <a href="FILE">).