CS365: Artificial Intelligence

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Jan - Apr 2015

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Homework 0

Playing doctor

This homework will introduce you to one of the earliest NLP programs. It will also enable you to test the homework submission process in this course.

What to do

Run emacs and start the doctor program by typing "ESC-x doctor". Talk to the doctor for some time.

Submission Process

All submissions must be through your course webpage on
This homework will be at hw0/index.html in this directory. The index.html may refer to images or other files under this hw0 directory.

NOTE: Please do not use global references e.g. <a href="home.iitk.ac.in/~USERID/cs365/FILE">). Instead use local paths ( <a href="FILE">).

What to submit

  1. Include two snippets - A1. where the answers seem reasonable, and A2. where the answers don't make sense.

  2. Study the source code (in a dialect of LISP) and describe why it isn't working that well for A2.

  3. Suggest how you might improve the program. (Optional)

Due date: Jan 5, Monday.